COBOL stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language. CobolScript is a COBOL Interpeter created by Matthew Dean and Charles Schereda of Deskware in 1999. It is the only COBOL Interpreter that exists in the world, all others have implemented the COBOL language as a compiler. You can purchase and download a copy of the cobolscript interpreter (coboscript.exe) for only $49.95USD today! If you know COBOL you already know cobolscript, it's a snap and so easy to work with. [Also, software companies and consulting vendors may license the cobolscript interpreter for their own purposes.]

cobolscript Version 4.0

Download the cobolscript interpreter demo version 4.0 for Microsoft Windows here cobolscript.ex_ (553,984 bytes) and rename to cobolscript.exe to evaluate. Download (187,203 bytes) and other new sample programs (7,845 bytes)

Other information available about cobolscript on the Internet: COBOLSCRIPT_RUN

New language speaks up to help solve an old problem

I have seen the future, and it is COBOL?

How to I leverage existing legacy systems with Cobolscript?

Mainframe Systems run COBOL source code to get data to send back to screens.
Cobolscript runs COBOL source code to get data to send to you. It is an intepreter, a single program named cobolscript.exe. Will it work for my company? That depends what your COBOL source code looks like. You can download cobolscript.exe from In general Cobolscript will run most normal COBOL source code but not all. If you want to compare your source code format to ours, see a detailed description of how we support each COBOL verb in the COBOL Programming Language in our manual (cbmanual.pdf). You can copy and paste pieces of your COBOL source code business logic and test it out. You won't be able to simply just run your existing programs with Cobolscript because they will most likely contain IBM CICS, Unisys COMS, or Microfocus screen processing commands. These are vendor specific things owned by the respective companies mentioned. These commands in your COBOL source code are not part of the COBOL programming language they are part of your vendor specific screen processing mechanism.

How do I make new systems with Cobolscript?

See the diagram below that shows combinations of uses.

Sometimes you can leverage existing COBOL source with cobolscript on a different platform.

See the diagram below that shows combinations of uses by Copy and Pasting existing COBOL source.

What do people like best about cobolscript? EXEC SQL.

See the diagram below that shows the embedded sql command and example source code at sql.cbl.

Copyright © 1996-2025 Matt Dean